Album thumbnail size

I know you can resize the album thumbnail but I just don't know how! If I edit thumb_size in config.php it resizes my image thumbnails but not my album thumbnails.

I know it's possible because it's in the stopdesign theme!

Can anybody help me out?

Otherwise, loving Zen Photo so far!


  • OK I worked out a fairly simple solution.

    Add the following lines of code:


    `$conf['album_thumb_crop'] = true;

    $conf['album_thumb_crop_width'] = 85;

    $conf['album_thumb_crop_height'] = 85;

    $conf['album_thumb_size'] = 100;`


    Scroll down until you find the printAlbumThumbImage function and add the line:

    `function printAlbumThumbImage($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {

    echo "$alt((zp_conf('album_thumb_crop')) ? " width="".zp_conf('album_thumb_crop_width')."" height="".zp_conf('album_thumb_crop_height').""" : "") .
    `(($class) ? " class="$class"" : "") .

    (($id) ? " id="$id"" : "") . " />";

  • I changed a bit the code, cause this one you gave don't work. But the method is good, and may be it's this forum who kill this symbol "/" needed.

    All the part here :

    function printAlbumThumbImage($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {

    echo "\
    ((zp_conf('album_thumb_crop')) ? " width=\"".zp_conf('album_thumb_crop_width')."\" height=\"".zp_conf('album_thumb_crop_height')."\"" : "") .

    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .

    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";



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